How to carry out a site inventory?

– Have extended rights
– The Annual Inventories option must be enabled
(see Switch to extended rights | Enable an option)

Site inventory produces the ICPE inventory.
Beforehand, ambiguities must be resolved.
Ambiguities indicate products for which a choice of category or additional information needs to be made for an H mention. The user must consult the SDS to choose the answer.

To identify the products in question:
Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

Sort the relevant products by selecting Ambiguities to resolve in the ICPE Classified filter.

Click on Resolve ambiguity in the product line.

Check the answers to the various questions.


Tip: You can place the products in the cart to answer a similar question for multiple products in a single click:

Once the products are added to the cart:
1.Cart Menu > Number of products > Resolve ambiguities

Check the answers to the various questions.


Create an Inventory or View Existing Inventories

View existing inventories:
Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Site Inventories

Create an inventory:
Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Site Inventories > Create

By default, the current year is displayed.

Select a site.

Locked: check Yes to prevent any user who does not have extended rights from modifying the inventory.


The management of ICPE and Seveso inventories is always declarative, whether stock management is enabled or not.

To perform the inventory by building
– the By Building Inventories option must be enabled.
(see Enable an Option)

There are two ways to manage ICPE thresholds, depending on whether these thresholds are associated with stock management or not.

The ICPE/SEVESO option must be enabled.
(see Enable an Option)

Module Stock Management Not Deployed

Create an Inventory

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Site Inventories > Create

Select the year and site for which the ICPE inventory must be conducted.

Locked: check Yes to prevent any user who does not have extended rights from modifying the inventory.

3. Save.

The list of site inventories allows you to duplicate an existing inventory using the action button.

Conduct the Inventory from the List of Products

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

  • 1. Open the record of the product concerned by the inventory.
  • 2. Click on in the Consumption and Storage Tracking section.
  • 3. Select the site and location for which the inventory is being updated. When only one site or location is involved, the latter is automatically proposed.
  • 4. Enter the quantities stored and used, specifying the unit of measurement.
  • 5. Save. In the search window, select the value Subject to ICPE in the ICPE Classified field to display only products that require inventory reporting.
    It is possible to specify a search by selecting the ICPE sections for which the inventory must be conducted.

Conduct the Inventory from the Site

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Site Inventories

Select the hyperlink for the site in the List of Inventories to open its record in the panel.

Click on the site hyperlink in the site record to enter the Consumption and Storage Tracking section.

Conduct ICPE and Seveso Classifications

Click on Initialize Lines after selecting an inventory in the Inventory Lines created.

  • The ICPE classification is then detailed by ICPE code. Persistent ambiguities and unclassified products blocking the completion of the inventory are indicated.
    Click on the symbol to visualize the sections for details.

ICPE indicators

  • The details of the inventory lines provide access to the editing functions and the lock, which prevents any further modification by a user who does not have extended rights in the platform.

ICPE indicators

  • The SEVESO status is calculated automatically: the type of establishment is determined by the storage facilities present in the structure, and the details of non-locked inventories are displayed in real-time.

Seveso indicators

  • The ICPE inventory is expected once a year. Quarks Safety does not generate it in real-time. To update it before printing, click on Refresh the lines without a lock.
  • Some products have multiple ICPE sections. The main section, which is sufficient in the calculation rule required by ICPE regulations, is indicated in bold. The other sections are taken into account in the calculation of SEVESO thresholds.

Deployed Stock Management Module

The generated inventory displays the stock in real-time, calculated at the time of inventory generation. The deployment of stock management enables the option Enable ICPE regime supervision when entering stock so that each stock entry displays regulatory information, the impact of the entry on the ICPE regime, or future prospects.

The calculation to determine if the SEVESO classification is reached applies the 2% rule.

Updated on 30 October 2023

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