Add a use (INRS method – ND2233)

A usage sheet allows attaching a risk assessment to a product. Multiple uses can be declared for the same product.

Select the Product

Display the Product List:

Quick Access Products

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

Create the Usage Sheet

1. Click on the product name to open its sheet.

2. Click on in the Usage section.

3. Fill in the form fields, which can vary, depending on the settings activated by the database administrator.

4. Select the Activity.
The allows the user to create a new entry (provided the rights have been granted by the database administrator).

When creating an Activity, filling in the default potential exposure attaches the risk assessment to this activity.
Each time it is selected in another use, the risk assessment is automatically retrieved.

5. Save

When the risk assessment is not done, question marks appear on the usage line.

6. Click on the question mark of the usage to evaluate or on the magnifying glass to open the usage sheet.

7. Fill in the Health tab after clicking on Edit
Depending on the options activated by the administrator, it is also possible to fill in the Fire/Environment tab.

8. Save

Declare the use of several products simultaneously

To declare the use of multiple products in a single operation, use the Basket.

Display the Product List:
Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

1. Select the products, either by the action Basket, or by the Add to Basket link after isolating a product search.

The selected products are added to the Basket Menu.

2. In the dropdown menu hovering over the number of products, click on Create Usages

3. Fill in the fields in the Usage and Health tabs.

4. Save

There are as many usage sheets as there are products placed in the basket.

Updated on 24 October 2023

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