SDS administrative search criteria

The SDS search criteria are available in the search area under the Hazards section of the Product List:

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

For each enabled option, the corresponding criterion is displayed in the search window.

  • SDS: Dropdown list. Age of the SDS, list of SDS without a date, list of products without SDS (with reason for absence)
  • SDS Verification: Dropdown list. Last verification date.
  • SDS Validation: Single choice. Identifies the SDS of product sheets validated by those with the right.
    The SDS Validation option must be activated
  • eSDS: Identifies the SDS with exposure scenarios.
    The Filter by available eSDS option must be activated

Advanced Search

– have extended rights
(see Switch to extended rights)

Display the SDS List:

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Configuration > SDS

The SDS List has additional search criteria, independent of product sheets.

Each result line displays the actions that can be performed directly:

Extract content
Display the SDS as downloaded
Display information about the SDS in the panel
Edit information about the SDS
Delete the SDS

Updated on 24 October 2023
In this file:

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