How to evaluate an activity or stage?

Create an activity

Applications Menu > Chemicals > Risk assessment > Activities > Create

In the New Activity form:

1. Specify the structure and group concerned if you have rights to more than one of them.

2. Name the activity created.

Evaluate an activity

Display the Activity List:
Applications Menu > Chemicals > Risk assessment > Activities

1. Click on the name of the activity to be evaluated in the list
2. Add a step.
3. In the New step panel, fill in the various fields in the Step, Default individual exposure and Products sections to perform the risk assessment.

Each product used in the step is added to a pre-ticked box.

Several functions are available for each step created:

Change the order of saved steps.

Duplicate the step: the copy is made with all the elements of the risk assessment and the possibility of modifying the information that justifies the change of step (Protection, exposure, products used).
It is advisable to copy the step once the entire evaluation has been completed.

Add the use of a product to the step.

4. Save

Evaluate a step

By default, risk assessment is based on activity. But it is possible to specify the evaluation for each declared product use.

Applications MEnu > Chemicals > Risk assessment > Uses and risks

1. Click on a product name to open its use sheet

2. Edit to fill in the evaluation.

3. Save

Important :Any modification made in the Modify use form is specific but will be copied when the step is duplicated, so that only the frequencies and quantities used need be entered.

Updated on 24 October 2023

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