How to spot PFAS in products?

– have a license with access rights to the regulatory database.

Each product is automatically analyzed on the basis of the substances listed on the SDS.


More than 4,000 chemical compounds with a wide range of properties belong to the per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances. Their non-stick, waterproofing and heat-resistant qualities, for example, have led to their widespread use in industry since the 1950s, impacting both industrial products and everyday consumer goods such as cosmetics and crop protection products.

All these substances break down very little in the environment where they are incorporated or released, hence their name of eternal chemicals, found today in the air, water and soil. They are also highly mobile, often found far from their place of emission.
Their use is therefore a major cause for concern.

The best-known are also the most persistent: PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate).
European directives and regulations relating to the control of Pfas are transposed into French law, in particular through :

  • Ordinance no. 2022-1611 of December 22, 2022 on access to and quality of water intended for human consumption, and its two implementing decrees
  • the decree of February 2, 1998 on emissions from a majority of installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE) subject to authorization, which cites PFOS and sets a concentration limit of 25 µg/l in water discharged into the natural environment.
  • France’s water status monitoring program, recently revised by the decree of April 26, 2022, which includes the 20 PFAS listed in the December 2020 EDCH directive for groundwater, and the PFOS for surface water.
  • Arrêté du 20 juin 2023 relatif à l’analyse des substances per- et polyfluoroalkylées dans les rejets aqueux des installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement relevant du régime de l’autorisation.
  • They are also included in the candidate list, REACH Annex XVII and POP regulation 2019/1021.

Quarks Safety’s regulatory watch team can help you identify the PFAS present in the products inventoried on the platform.

Identifying substances

To do this, create a basket to collect the results:
Basket menu > Create a new basket > Name the new PFAS basket > Save

Then filter the desired results:
Applications menu > Chemicals > Known substances > Add filter

Select chemical families

– Please select
Physico-chemical properties
More filters > Physical properties > Chemical families
– Select families related to Pfas.

If PFAS exists, it will be automatically :

Next, we’ll look at the different PFAS families:

Important: Families are only displayed in the list if the products in the inventoried MSDSs are concerned.

For each family selection :
– Search > Add all to basket > Search > Select another family when relevant.

Identify products

Applications menu > Chemicals > Products > Manufacturers > More filters >
Filter with basket substances

Updated on 22 August 2024

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