Add a use (R&D method)

A usage sheet allows attaching a risk assessment to a product. Multiple uses can be declared for the same product.

Display the Product List:

– Quick Access Products

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

Create the Usage Sheet

1. Click on the product name to open its sheet in the panel.

2. Click on from the Usage section.

3. Fill in the form fields, which can vary, depending on the settings activated by the database administrator.

4. Select the Activity.
The indicates that you have the right to create an activity (based on the rights granted by your database administrator).

5. Save

The created use is saved.

Assess the Risks

6. Click on the question mark of the usage to evaluate or on the magnifying glass to open the usage sheet.

7. Click on Edit

8. Risk Assessment tab: Fill in the various fields.
Some are customizable based on the settings chosen by the administrator.

9. Save

The usage sheet is now assessed.
In the List of Uses of the product sheet, the question mark is replaced by a colored smiley.
Hovering over it displays the priority level obtained from the assessment and the control elements.

Updated on 24 October 2023

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